Individual Support
Small teaching groups make it possible to provide individual attention in the classroom.
Some children may however, still need one to one teaching, particularly in acquiring reading and writing skills. These sessions take place prior to the beginning of the school day and programmes such as Alpha to Omega or Toe by Toe are used to aid progress.
Likewise children experiencing difficulty in mathematics can take advantage of before school sessions.
We continually monitor the progress of our children and if we perceive there are areas where individuals need extra support during lessons we initiate Personal Support Plans. These are led by class teachers but with the involvement of both the parent(s) and the child. This ensures we continue developing the school to home link that is so vital for all our children.
We also include 11+ practice sessions in both non-verbal and verbal reasoning for pupils wanting this support. These run before school from the middle of the autumn term through to the summer. Children wishing to take the 11+ learn key skills and techniques which also stand them in good stead for future examinations.
“My son has loved every minute of his time with you and your wonderful team - not once has it been a
struggle to get him to school.”
Greenwich House School aims to ensure the fullest possible access to the curriculum for all pupils with Special Educational Needs, with an emphasis on keeping students in the classroom to learn alongside their peers, rather than withdrawing them for additional programmes. In many cases, the subject teacher can support individuals at a level appropriate to their needs through effective differentiation in the classroom and the use of generic strategies for pupils with identified needs.
Linking to SEND Code of Practice 2014 there is a staged and graduated approach to identify and assess needs using the 'Assess, Plan, Do, Review' model. The triggers for further intervention could be either parental or pupil concern, underpinned by evidence about a pupil who, despite receiving differentiated learning opportunities with the support of the SENDCo, one to one sessions and high quality teaching is not making the expected progress. Pupils may receive key strategies to be used by all subject teachers. Some pupils may require a Pupil Support Plan (PSP), along with targets, specific provision and expected outcomes, planned by teachers and supported by the SENDCo. The pupil and parents will be involved in the planning and termly review of this Plan.
Provision may involve enhanced adult support or teacher-led interventions, depending on the nature of the provision and level of difficulty. Where specific provision and / or one to one support is implemented, regular communication with parents will be encouraged to ensure that strategies are supported and reinforced, where appropriate, at home.
Other ways in which the curriculum is adapted to meet your child's need include:
Seating for learning plans
Clear, structured classroom routines
Careful selection of groups and group tasks
Coloured paper and overlays
The key external partners involved with the school in supporting pupils with special needs include:
The Educational Psychology Service
Peripatetic Teacher of the Deaf
The Working Together Team
Family Conferencing Group
Speech and Language Therapist
GPs and Community Paediatrician
Child and Adult Mental Health Service (CAMHS)
Healthy Minds
When support is needed, this is accessed directly by the school, or through the setting up of a multi-agency team.
Parents can access support and information independently through the Lincolnshire Local Offer.
This is the resource that is available to support pupils with special needs and parents from the local authority.
It is available online at the Family Service Directory but you can also contact either the Family Information Service or Information, Advice and Support Service and they will help you find what you need, or if you need additional support with the website.
Lincolnshire Local Authority Family Services Directory online www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/send-local-offer
Lincolnshire's Parent Carer Forum www.lincspcf.org.uk
Family Information Service 08001951635 (Mon-Fri 8am-6pm) lincolnshire.gov.uk/fis
Liaise - Information, Advice and Support Service (Formally Parent Partnership) 08001951635 liaise@lincolnshire.gov.uk
We can direct parents to other appropriate support groups and agencies if you need this.