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The perception of ‘self’ is much coloured by our knowledge of the past. Young children will study the difference between the present and the past. In other words we start from the familiar and work backwards in acceptable stages.


Later they are helped to develop a chronological framework by making links across areas of historical study. They will have opportunities to investigate local history and to learn about the past from a range of sources of information.


Local people including senior citizens are seen as invaluable primary resources of social history and are often invited into school.


Geography as a subject is strategically placed to create bridges between humanities, the physical sciences and the arts. Our pupils will investigate the physical and human features of their surroundings and develop an awareness of the fact that the world extends beyond their immediate locality.

They will have opportunities to observe, question and record. Concepts like weather, pollution, the role of rivers, oceans, volcanoes and earthquakes in the formation of our planet will also be discussed.

The way we, as species, have influenced our planet’s past, present and future will be investigated.

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Using a variety of methods and approaches we develop an awareness of self and the need to be sensitive to the beliefs of others. The Christian calender provides the focus of the school’s community service programme. The children are actively encouraged to participate in charitable ventures.

Other world regions are studied and their role in our society readily acknowledged and respected.

©2020 by Greenwich House Independent School.

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